Mental Health Helplines

Shout - Mental Health Support
Shout is the UK’s first free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need imme...
Thu, 25 Nov, 2021 3:53 PM
Childline - Mental Health Support
Helpline:  0800 1111  What is coronavirus? Loneliness and isolation Sexuality  ChildLine is a counselling service for childre...
Wed, 22 Jul, 2020 11:30 AM is an online counselling service that provides vulnerable young people, between the ages of 11 and 25, with advice and support for emotional or ...
Wed, 22 Jul, 2020 11:31 AM
Papyrus - Mental Health Support
Papyrus HOPElineUK – 0800 068 41 41 SMS: 07786 209697  I'm worried about someone  Support for anyone under 35 experiencing though...
Mon, 19 Feb, 2024 4:16 PM
Students Against Depression
Developed in consultation with students who have been affected by depression, low mood or suicidal thoughts. Many of their stories and suggestions are inc...
Wed, 22 Jul, 2020 11:31 AM
Campaign Against Living Miserably
The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) works to prevent male suicide and offers support services for any man who is struggling or in crisis.  ...
Wed, 22 Jul, 2020 11:32 AM
Depression UK
The mission of Depression UK is to promote mutual support between individuals affected by or at risk from depression, with the aim of encouraging self hel...
Wed, 22 Jul, 2020 11:32 AM
Offers a unique and clear reference point on depression help and advice from experts in the field.
Wed, 22 Jul, 2020 11:32 AM